WETV7(Instrumental) The Joker is just a fun folk song by the Steve Miller Band that just conveys a story of a man just trying to have fun while doing no harm. 11 hours ago onThe Joker by Steve Miller Band
WETV7(Instrumental) Rumors is a pop/rap song by Lizzo ft Cardi B to call out media. It uses Phrygian Dominant flute over 808, minor disco inspired horn filled [ ... ]chorus. Yesterday onLizzo by Rumors
WETV7(Instrumental) Rumors is a pop/rap song by Lizzo ft Cardi B to call out media. It uses Phrygian Dominant flute over 808, minor disco inspired horn filled [ ... ]chorus. Yesterday onRumors by Lizzo
Valentyne(Chorus) I just found out this song. Maybe if its key had been G minor it would have been more suggestive and likable. Sometimes a major and upbeat [ ... ]song isn't always better, but a minor and melancholic melody. Yesterday onNo Shade at Pitti by The Chainsmokers
CreepZoneTNT(Chorus) I honestly don't know if the last 2 chords are right at all, I can tell that they're Db and C chords of some kind but I'm not certain. 3 days ago onAja by Steely Dan